Tuesday, December 10, 2013

# 017 Anger

Stay away from Anger... It hurts ... Only You!

If you are right then there is no need to get angry, And if you are wrong then you don't have any right to get angry.

A child told the mother: “Mum you are very beautiful today.”

The mother asked: “Why?”

The child said “ Because you did not get angry today”

Moral - It is easy to possess beauty, just do not get angry.

Patience with family is love, Patience with others is respect, Patience with self is confidence and Patience with GOD is faith.

Never Think Hard about the PAST, It brings Tears... Don't think more about the FUTURE, It brings Fear... Live this Moment with a Smile, It brings Cheer.

Every moment in our life makes us bitter or better, Every problem comes to make us or break us, The choice is ours whether we become victims or victorious.

Search for a beautiful heart not a beautiful face. Beautiful things are not always good but good things are always beautiful.

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going.

Have faith in God and keep smiling always…

Monday, September 9, 2013

# 016 Simple Straightforward formula for Happiness - PORT

Each of us want peace and happiness in life. Still, happiness often evades us. “Is there a simple, straightforward roadmap to get happiness and peace in life”. “There is.” Says Swami Paramarthanandaji ‘Reducing PORT is the best way’. PORT stands for Possessions, Obligatory Duties, Relationships and Transactions. How to reduce these?

Happiness is a state of mind; it does not come from possessions alone. There are severe limitations of happiness sought in objects. First, deep effort and some pain are involved in acquiring objects. Many waste their entire life in pursuit of desirable objects. There is no guarantee that even after getting those objects or positions, you would be happy.  You may feel ‘let-down’ after putting in so much of effort. You may think, ‘this is not what I laboured for’.  Also, objects of desire keep changing, and so also our goal posts. The chase continues and   every new possession brings with it own burden. If someone has a house with swimming pool and ten bedrooms; imagine his plight in maintaining it. He is busy all the time cleaning, fixing, protecting. Does the house serve us, or do we serve the house? Again, objects make us dependent on them. For instance, once we are used to certain objects, a particular style/standard of living, it is very difficult live without those objects or changed life style/standard. Hence all possessions usually create bondage.

Relationships are meant to make our life happy. But do they? We have to maintain some blood relations for social cohesion, but we create other new relationships, which complicates life. Every new relationship has to be maintained. You have to remember to wish people on their birthdays and anniversaries, participate in functions like marriage and engagement, or reach out in case of sickness or loss. Also you become sad or experience pain when the person with whom you have a relationship does not reciprocate. It is said that grief is never caused by outsiders or unknown people. It is caused by people with whom you have a relationship. Depending on your attitude, your relationships might cause you more pain than pleasure.

Every possession and every new relationship creates its own obligatory duties. You have to insure your vehicles, for example, remember to send it for regular service. Similarly we have to attend to the expectations of relationships. These add to our list of obligatory duties. We cannot avoid basic, minimum obligatory duties towards the office, business, parents, spouse or children. But our optional duties also become obligatory when you maintain too many possessions and relationships. We should also be careful in accepting new roles in life just for the sake of ego-satisfaction. If you are made President or Secretary of a Society, you may feel good, but that adds to your obligatory duties also.  

Performance of each of these duties involves a number of transactions. Thus any additional relationship increases duties & responsibilities and increased transactions. But trying to cope with large number of transactions usually brings in pressure on one’s time leaving no time to be happy!

This is not to say that you should have no objects or relationships in your life.  There is no problem as long as you can manage them. It is ok as long as you are aware of their limitations and are able strike a balance in life. But the moment the increased possessions and relationships upsets the mind, peace and happiness will be lost. Life will be peaceful only if you are able to discriminate between what is necessary and what is unnecessary in your life. That is the PORT of call for happiness. 

# 015 Freedom is the goal of Life

Freedom is the goal of life.

This freedom... is spiritual, a state of consciousness unhindered by any desire, unchained to any desire, ‘unimprisoned’ by any greed, by any lust for more. It is utterly empty, because if there is something, it will hinder freedom; hence it is utter emptiness.

This word ‘emptiness’ has been so very misunderstood by people, because the word has a connotation of negativity.... Emptiness is absolutely positive, more positive than your so-called fullness, because emptiness is full of freedom; everything else has been removed. It is spacious; all boundaries have been dropped. It is unbounded — and only in an unbounded space, freedom is possible. This emptiness is not ordinary emptiness; it is not only absence of something, it is a presence of something invisible. For example, let’s say you are about to empty your room: As you remove the furniture and paintings and the things inside, the room becomes empty on the one hand because there is no more furniture, no more paintings, no more things, nothing is left inside; but on the other hand, something invisible starts filling it. That invisible ‘thing’ that you now perceive is ‘roominess’, spaciousness; the room becomes bigger. As you remove the things, the room is becoming bigger and bigger. When everything is removed, even the walls, then the room is as big as the whole sky.

Freedom is the ultimate goal of true religion. Freedom is the highest, the summum bonum; there is nothing higher than that.
