Sunday, January 16, 2011

# 001 Introduction

This is a series on Sanatana Dharma, more popularly called now a days as Hinduism. The latter name is not the original name but given by westerners to the Religion & Philosophy that is existing in India. Again even the name India is a misnomer and it should have been, rightfully speaking, called Bharat.

Sanatana Dharma, actually is not a religion in the strict sense the term but a way of life combining both religion and philosophy of the land. It is not founded by any particular person unlike most other religions. It has evolved naturally as mankind has evolved and is not based on the teachings or preachings of any one particular person. Its basis is derived from Vedas which are existing eternally without a beginning. Its age can not be historically determined. They are  beyond  history and are super-historical and not merely pre-historical

Veda is the word of God and verily the God Himself. Vedas are  revealed to the Rishis and they transmitted it in an unbroken lineage of Teacher-Student chain. They are therefore not the authors or creators of Vedas but  merely passed them on to the mankind. They happened to be the seers of them. Since it was transmitted by word of mouth and preserved by hearing they are called Srutis.

There are 4 Vedas Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva.They deal with eternal truths and values and therefore is fixed in essentials but at the same time remain flexible in essentials like rituals, rites etc which can be adopted to changing conditions.

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