Thursday, April 2, 2015

# 022 Escaping liability by putting children into play school too early?

Escaping liability by putting children into play school too early?

Are parents, now a days, enrolling them into play schools and preschools found an easy solution to escape the liability of nurturing their children by

Play schools are fine as long as they are just play schools and do not force the little ones to learn too soon. What is unnecessary is the enormous parental pressure on preschools to start teaching the 3 R’s. It looks like the parents of present day have found an easy solution to escape the liability of nurturing their children by enrolling them into play schools and preschools. What they don’t  know is that this is causing  separation anxiety in the child.

Schools, which were at one time known as “temples of education” are now transforming into commercial brand names. Many schools are attached to big brands of companies with a motive of making profits. Some of the schools hire brand managers to market their schools in a big way spending lavishly on advertising/ and marketing.

Right age for formal education is six. Introduction to early learning is not only unnecessary for the vast majority of children, but can actually cause major developmental harm, and at worst a shortened life span. Most children under the age of six need lots of time to play, develop social skills and learn to control their impulses. An over-emphasis on formal classroom instruction – that is, studies instead of buddies, or staying in instead of playing out – can have serious effects that might not be apparent until years later. An over-emphasis on the three-Rs at an early age can cause significant long-term damage to children especially bright ones.

No matter how good a play group or a daycare centre is, it cannot match the love and nurturing care that a parent can provide for their child. Workers at daycare centres are employees – not parents – and they don’t bring genuine one-on-one attention and love to the child that a parent can bring.

The first few years of a child’s life is crucial with respect to “attachment to parents.” It is imperative that, during these formative years, the child has caring parents throughout the day for his or her all-round development. A good option is for one of the parent to put their career on hold for a while to give the child the very best of their attention.

Based on an article in DH 2.4.2015 by Srijaya Char

# 021 Humans have been programmed - to believe, to have faith, to follow certain rituals, certain dogmas ………..

Humans have been programmed - to believe, to have faith, to follow certain rituals, certain dogmas ……….. JK

The computer has been programmed by the experts who programme it according to what they want.

Same way we human beings have been programmed to be Catholics, to be Protestants, to be Italians, to be British, Swiss and so on. For centuries we have been programmed - to believe, to have faith, to follow certain rituals, certain dogmas, we have been programmed to be nationalists, we have been programmed to have wars. So our brain has become just like the computer.

The computer can do almost anything the human being can do. Of course it cannot write, compose as Beethoven, or as Keats and so on.

If the machines can do almost all that human beings can do, robots and the computer, what is the future society of man? When cars can be built by the robot and the computer, probably much better, then what is going to become of man as a social entity? These and many other problems are facing us. We cannot any more think as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims and so on. We are facing a tremendous crisis; a crisis which the politicians can never solve because they are programmed to think in a particular way; nor can the scientists solve or understand the crisis; nor the business world, the world of money. So the crisis, the turning point is in our consciousness.

The turning point, the perceptive decision, the challenge, whatever word you may like to use, is not in politics, in religion, in the scientific world, but in the consciousness of mankind, which has brought us to this point.