Tuesday, September 18, 2012

# 010 Meaning of elephant form of Ganesh

Elephant form of Ganesh indicates uncontrollable strength. The ‘Angusam’, used to control an elephant, in his hand indicates that he is self-controlled. Both these aspects are the hall mark of a great leader. That is why he is called Vi-Nayak meaning there is no leader like him.

Grass in his hands – the first thing to appear from earth, and Yarukku that flowers in Ash - the last form of anything, indicates that Ganesh means the beginning and end of the world.

He was created out of the dirt from Parvati is okay to be told to children, but the deeper meaning points to the origin (Big Bang) of this world from matter (dirt) and energy (Parvati)

சுகி சிவம் சொல்ல கேட்டு எழுதியது (fromSuki Sivam's talks)